4 Producing Horizontal Wells
Production Breakdown:
0% - Oil
97.65% - Gas
2.35% - NGL
Cash Flow Represents 10% of Check Statements
Property: Decimal Interest:
Cangelosi 1H 0.04445000 x 10% interest being sold
Kruger 1H 0.05555625 x 10% interest being sold
Rancho Lago Vista 3H 0.05555625 x 10% interest being sold
Rancho Lago Vista 4H 0.05555625 x 10% interest being sold
Legal Descrption: 1,393.908 acres of land more or less out of the William O'Neill, Survey 211, A-351; Mrs. George Ross, Survey 210, A-404; H. T. & B. R. R. CQ., Survey 5, A-247; and the Claude Dooley, Survey 16506, A-1295, McMullen County, Texas and being more particularly described in that certain Warranty Deed dated February 22,2007, from Vito Cangelosi to Steve Austin, recorded in Volume 450, Page 438 of the Deed Records of McMullen County, Texas.