Hayes, Stenson, Weaver
Lot Number:10212
Start Time:2/23/2023 7:33:00 PM
Bid Count:1
High Bidder:5****0
Starting Bid:$100.00
Bid Increment:$50.00
Current Bid:$100.00
Bidding complete


Hayes 1-27 - Sec 27-27N-25W, 640 acres - GWI: 50%; NRI: 41.30740%.
Stenson 1-27 - Sec 27-27N-25W, 640 acres - GWI: 50%; NRI: 41.307401%
Weaver 1-20 - E/2 Sec 20-27N-25W, W/2 Sec 21-27N-25W, 640 acres - GWI: 88%; NRI: 66%

The Stenson 1-27 and Hayes 1-27 are both in one lease lot.  All three leases, Weaver 1-20, Hayes 1-27 and Stenson 1-27 are being sold together.

This unit has been shut in due to gas purchaser contract and annual shut-in payments have been made.  Prior to shut in, approximate operating expenses per month was $1,270.  Average monthly production 1,607 MCF.

Operator:Vanon Energy, Inc.
Legal Description:Sec 20, 21, & 27-27N-25W
Additional Information:MCEE Land will file the conveyance for the winning bidder. A recording fee of $150.00 will be added to the invoice. Please provide title information to info@mceeauction.com within 24 hours after the auction to start the filing process.
No donations for this lot
United States