5 producing horizontal natural gas wells located in the heart of the Haynesville Shale.
Legal Description: Lands located in the W/2 of Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 16 West, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, LESS AND EXCEPT that interval in the Pettit Formation between 6,154' and 6,236', or the stratigraphic equivalent thereof, as found in the Jeems Bayou Production Corporation Eliza Pyle #1 well; and FURTHER LESS AND EXCEPT the wellbore interests of the Ha Ra Suh; James Pace 17-8-5 HC (serial# 251857) and the Ha Ra Suh; James Pace 17-7-6 HC (serial#251858).
Cash Flow Represents 1.5% of Check Statements
Decimal Interests: Statement 1.5% Decimal Int.
Decimal Interest Being Conveyed
McLaughlin 5 HZ 1-ALT 0.02731707 0.0004097561
Pyle 6 HZ 1 0.02731707 0.0004097561
Shahan 5-8 HC 1-ALT 0.02039648 0.0003059472
Pace James 5-8 HC 1-ALT 0.01824722 0.0002737083
Pyle 6-7 HC 1-ALT 0.01848534 0.0002772801
United States